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It always feels great when someone greets and welcomes you in a church, especially if you’re a newcomer. But here at Triumphant End-Time Ministries, our ushers do more than merely greet and smile. We consider our ushers as “Doorkeepers.” We require them to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course, spiritually ready to welcome churchgoers. With the help of our faithful ushers, visitors and church members are always greeted with a warm smile, seated comfortably in their desired seats, and made to feel at home.

On the other hand, our security team is more than just a group of volunteers. They are composed of God-fearing and dedicated individuals who have a servant’s heart. Our security team is always willing to assist people at church who need help, especially when it comes to car parking or reporting essential matters to the leaders in the sanctuary. They are in charge of taking care of the overall safety of the congregation.

We can’t wait to meet you here at Triumphant End-Time Ministries! If you have any further questions about us or our ministries, feel free to send us a message.

ministers smiling at the camera